Bee Stack

About Me

Meet me, Roopesh Patel, aka Roopsbee, aka Roops, a curious individual on a quest to explore the world of software development and beyond. With a strong background in front-end web development, I'm currently honing those skills full-time with Next.js and TypeScript, while constantly exploring new ways to improve myself. Whether that's from changing my editor from vscode to Neovim, or jumping from windows and mac to Linux.

My interests extend far beyond just one language or framework - I'm also invested in exploring new technologies and currently experimenting with the excellent language Rust.

As a software developer, my ultimate goal is to work on projects that make a positive impact the world. I often ask myself, if i'm not helping, what am I doing?

In short, I'm a passionate, curious, and driven individual who loves nothing more than exploring the vast and exciting world around me, one line of code, one thought, one idea at a time.

Of course there is more to life than just code. I dabble in martial arts, go on the occasional hike, ride slow at extreme speed on my bike, and pretend to be a professional chess player when I can find a game. Get in touch if any of that stikes a chord. I'm extremely modest and love to chat.